Saturday, August 24, 2013

Palacinke - crepes

5 eggs (jaja)
1 cup milk (1 solja mlijeka)
1/4 ts sugar and salt (malo secera I soli) 
1 cup hot water (solja tople vode)
A little bit of Oil (ulje)
1.5 cups of flour to start and add more flour as needed to o have right consistency of mix.   (Brašno) 

In the large mixing bowl whisk eggs, add 1/4 c water and 1/4 c milk and mix. Start adding flower and while continue mixing add milk and water to have nice crepe batter. Make sure is nice crepe consistency (no too liquid). Add a little bit of sugar, salt and oil in the mix.

(Umutiti jaja, dodati 1/4 solje tople vode I mlijeka. Poceti dodavati brasno uz stalno mijesanje I dodavanje ostatka mlijeka i vode dok se ne dobije smijesa koja nije puno tecna a ne smije da bude ni gusta. Dodati malo secera, soli I ulja u smijesu).

Use non-stick pan; put on the medium to high and worm the pan. Add just a little bit of oil to coat the pan, just for the first palacinka.
(Zagrijati tavu I dodati samo malo ulja za prvu palacinku.)

Add one ladle of the crepe batter in the hot pan (into the center of the pan and swirl to spread evenly).

(Staviti jednu kutljacu smijese u toplu tavu; staviti u sredinu tave, provrtiti tavu da bude ista debljina palacinke u tavi).

Fry/cook  till top of palacinka is almost dry. Loosen palacinka with spatula, turn over and fry/cook other side till palacinka has nice light color.
Peci palacinke dok gornja strana bude skoro suha, prevrnuti I peci drugu stranu dok se ne ispece, ne da zagori).

You can get around 15-20 palacinka.

(Od ove smijese se moze napraviti oko 15-20 palacinki.)

Use eurocream (Nutella), fruit jam, grounded nuts to fill palacinke.
(Mazati palacinke eurokremom, dzemom, mljevenim orasima.)



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