Sunday, February 25, 2018

Swedish cardamom and cinnamon coffee bread (from SAVEUR, modified and my pictures)

For the Dough
7 tbsp. unsalted butter
12 cups whole milk, heated to 115°
2 tsp. active dry yeast
12 cups flour, plus more for dusting
14 cup sugar
12 tsp. ground cardamom seeds
14 tsp. kosher salt
For the Filling and Topping
12 cup sugar, I used date sugar
7 tbsp. unsalted butter, softened
1 tbsp. ground cinnamon
12 tsp. ground cardamom seeds
1 egg, beaten
Pearl sugar, for topping
Make the dough: Soften butter, and stir in milk and yeast; let sit until foamy, about 10 minutes. Whisk flour, sugar, cardamom, and salt in a bowl. Stir in yeast mixture until dough forms. Transfer dough to a lightly floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 3 minutes. Return dough to bowl and cover with a clean dish towel; let sit in a warm place until dough is doubled in size, about 1 hour.

Make the filling: Mix sugar, butter, cinnamon, and cardamom in a bowl until smooth.

Assemble the bread: On a lightly floured surface, roll dough into an 11″ x 17″ rectangle, about 14″ thick. Spread filling over dough, leaving a 12″ border along edges. Working from one long end, roll dough into a tight cylinder; transfer seam side down to a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Cover with dish towel; let sit in a warm place until dough has doubled in size once more, about 45 minutes.

Using kitchen shears and starting 1″ from ends of dough, make crosswise cuts, spaced 1″ apart, three-quarters of the way through dough. Fan dough slices away from the center, alternating left to right. Brush dough with egg and sprinkle with pearl sugar.

Bake the bread: Heat oven to 375°, bake until golden brown, about 22 minutes. Let bread cool completely before serving.



Šnenokle ili schneenockerln (snow dumplings) je slatki specijalitet Austrougarske kuhinje koji se redovno pravio u Bosni I Hercegovini. Francuzi ga zovu “floating islands”.

·         4 cup mlijeka
·         6 jaja
·         6+2 tsp secera
·         1 tsp brasna
·         vanilija u prahu ili stapic ili 2-3 kapi vanile

Knedle ili Nokle:

Staviti mlijeko sa 1 tsp secera i vanilom da provrije, ne na najjacu temparaturu, pazite da mlijeko ne pokipi.
Od 6 bjelanaca ulupati cvrst sneg, dodati 1 tsp secera.

Kada mlijeko provrije, kasikom (tsps.) vaditi knedle/nokle od ulupanog snega, stavljati ih u mlijeko koje vrije da se skuhaju. Okrenuti knedle poslije 20-30 sec na drugu stranu I kuhati jos 20-30 sec. Kuhane knedle vaditi resetkastom kasikom iz mlijeka I staviti u dublju posudu.


Umutiti 6 zumanaca sa 6 tsp secera i 1 1tsp brasna. Ovu smjesu polako sipati u mlijeko u kome su se kuhale knedle. Mlijeko treba da vrije, a postupak je isti kao kada se pravi puding. Mjesati stalno da ne zagori, skloniti sa vatre kada dobije gustinu malo manju nego sto je gustina pudinga.

Sada zuti krem posuti po knedlama, ali da se sve ne pokriju, knedle treba da plivaju na zutojj kremi.

Ili, razliti razliti zutu kremu u manje posude, prethodno ovlazene, iz kojih ce se snenokle posluzivati. Preko kreme sloziti knedle od snijega. 

Servira se hladno.
