Friday, August 11, 2017

Upside down apple and poppy seed cake


  1. 12 tbsp butter
  2. 3 apples
  3. 2 + 6 tbsp sugar or sugar supstitute 
  4. Spices for apples: cinnamon, cumin, nutmeg, cloves
  5. 2 tbsp bread crumbs or oatmeal
  6. 1 tbsp rum
  7. 4 eggs
  8. 1 cup yogurt
  9. 1 cup poppy seeds
  10. 4 tbsp flour
  11. 1 tsp baking powder

Slice apples and mix them with spices and 2 tbsp of sugar.

Butter baking pan and sprinkle flour over it, layer apple splices. 

Mix egg whites. Mix egg yolks, continue mixing and add putter, sugar, bread crumbs soaked in rum, yogurt, ground poppy seeds and flour. 

Start adding spoon by spoon of the egg white snow to the poppy seed mix.

Spread poppy seed mix over apples and bake in preheated oven (350 F). Bake for 40 min or until knife inserted in the cake is coming clean.

Let cake cool a little bit and transfer to the plate.


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